PPL(A) Diversion Navigation Subject
All, The 9 PPL Subjects (Modules)

Navigation — EASA PPL(A) Subject

Private Pilots operate as the pilot in command (PIC) of a single pilot aircraft. But they must also be the navigator, too. So it’s critical that they’re able to apply the correct practices to navigational tasks — especially during cross country flights. Developing navigational skills is the very essence of single pilot flying; hence the importance of the …

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IMC Rating Meteorology
All, The 9 PPL Subjects (Modules)

Meteorology — Core EASA PPL(A) Subject

Weather affects flying. That’s why the PPL(A) course includes a specific examination in Meteorology. The subject aims to ensure that throughout their flying career, pilots make informed decisions based on prevailing or forecast weather conditions. All Pilots must understand weather theory and be able to interpret weather briefing forms or “documents”.   Recommended Books £16.10 From Amazon   …

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PPL & LAPL - Communications PPL(A)
All, The 9 PPL Subjects (Modules)

Communications — Core EASA PPL(A) Subject

The ‘Communications’ PPL(A) subject focuses on VHF (Very High Frequency) Communications. In this module students learn the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed for using radio telephony (RT) equipment. This course is suitable for students who have no prior knowledge or experience of RT.   Recommended Books £20 From Amazon   Communications PPL(A) Overview The course familiarises students on: The Civil …

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PPL(A) Air Law
All, The 9 PPL Subjects (Modules)

Air Law — Core EASA PPL(A) Subject

As a pilot you’ll be flying in UK, and perhaps other nations’ airspace. Some parts of that airspace are under the jurisdiction of air traffic control units, whilst other parts aren’t. The aviation community must be aware of procedures & principles outlined, and abide by them. These rules (or “procedures”) are there to ensure that pilots are …

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Tailwheel conversion course Aircraft General Knowledge
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Tailwheel Conversion Course (Rating)

Aircraft with a tailwheel take a little more finesse and practice to take off and land. Mastering the art of handling a taildragger is not too difficult — but it’s an important skill that requires specialist training.   Principles Of Flight PPL(A) Overview On the Tailwheel conversion course you’ll become competent enough with your handling skills to …

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Co-pilot Course Rating
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Co-Pilot Course (Rating)

By taking a Co-Pilot course you’ll qualify to take control of a flight, or help out with the navigation or radio. Unlike a regular passenger on-board a light aircraft, you’ll be able to react in the unlikely event of an emergency (e.g. if anything happened to the pilot during flight). There’s no exams for the Co-Pilot course. Just basic flying skills.   Co-pilot Course Private …

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aerobatic certificate course
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Aerobatic Certificate/Course (Rating)

The aerobatics course provides the training needed to qualify for the AOPA Aerobatic Certificate. There are 3 courses: Basic, Standard and Intermediate. Due to the risks involved in Aerobatics, this course emphasises good airmanship and safety. Students are taught to understand both human and aircraft limitations.   Aerobatic Certificate Course Requirements You do not need to be a qualified …

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Single Engine Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)
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Single Engine Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

CPL stands for Commercial Pilot Licence, and it allows you to operate as Pilot-in-Command (PIC) on flights carrying passengers. The CPL course is designed to be a full-time course — but some schools are flexible and will allow you to fit the course around other commitments. The natural progression for pilots holding a PPL(A) and other ratings, …

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Structured Hour Building (HB) Course
All, Beyond The PPL

Structured Hour Building (HB) Packages

Hour building packages are perfect for aviation students accumulating hours for commercial training. It gives PPL holders the opportunity to test and build their skills, whilst learning to fly more advanced aircraft. Some flight schools will help you to create your own unique hour building package. Note: Structured HB isn’t a requirement prior to starting commercial training. It helps …

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Flight Instructor Course Rating
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Flight Instructor Training Course (Rating)

Flight Instructor is the course that enables PPL holders to teach flying. Most flying schools require you to hold this rating before they’ll employ you as an instructor. With this Rating you’re allowed to instruct PPL(A) students — but cannot be paid unless you hold a commercial licence. The Flight Instructor Course is regarded as one …

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Mr-1 Diversion Ruler (Plotter) PPL
All, FlyGA News, Private Pilot Licence (PPL), Products & Equipment

How To Use The FlyGA Diversion Ruler/Plotter (Tutorial)

The MR-1 Diversion Ruler/Plotter was developed to assist both student and experienced pilots in navigation under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions. It makes flight diversions easy. It’s the perfect tool for aviation students undertaking their Private Pilot Licence (PPL), or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) — especially if you’re getting towards the end of your navigation experience (see Navigation …

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FlyGA MR-1 Flight Diversion Ruler PPL Navigation
All, FlyGA News

December 2016: FlyGA Tools & Software Update

  Designed & tested by both experienced Pilots & PPL Students, the FlyGA MR-1 Diversion Ruler (Plotter) marks the first of many flight products we’ll be rolling out over the coming months. Here’s an update on what else is happening at FlyGA…   TA-1 Fuel Calculation Ruler in Production In addition to the MR-1, we’re currently …

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